Friday, 1 November 2013

Your never alone, Jumma Mubarak

Allah (God) created you, gave you life and gifted you the goodness of the world that you live in.

He gave you goodness, happiness and joy for you to enjoy, as he never gives out badness. Then, why do you give in to the worldly problems that your faced with? 

Do you think his going to leave you to face them all by yourself? Just ask him and he will be ten steps ahead of you. He will already know the answer to your questions, even before you ask and he will have that answer already. 

But he does ask you to be patient and for you to silence your mind, in order to receive his answer that he has prepared for you. 

Never think that your all alone, as that will never be the case and he will be there for you forever. 

Live your life to the fullest and tackle each problem as it comes your way. But never give up on the life that he gifted to you to enjoy and to learn from. 

So that you could take all that teaching back and climb the magical steps to seventh heaven, your place that will be your home for eternity. 

Jumma Mubarak and have a blessed friday.

Love Sara Khan 


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