Saturday, 11 January 2014

We are all travelers on this journey

We are all soul travelers on this journey of life, some souls we will meet and some we will walk on by, or miss accidentally. But we have all come to earth to learn the vast amount of knowledge that this world has to offer us and we will be taking the teachings back to heaven, that place, that home that will be rewarded to us for eternity. 

As you travel on this path, always feel and observe your fellow travelers auras, that deep feeling as they will bring you the little teachings for you to learn from. Ask as many questions as possible and without hesitation, as that one answer might be the changing of you. With the information that you receive, pass it on to the next traveller that crosses your path, so they too can learn and pass onto the many travelers passing them too. 

You will come across some travelers that will not understand each other's journeys, the words spoken of but don't criticize, as it may not be your time to travel alongside of them as yet and you both keep to your own paths. 

Just remember this life is a journey, an experience that we have come to earth to learn from and the vast amount of teachings that we will learn, we will be taking back to our creators house. 

Have a great day
and for once, quieten your mind to feel the presence, those feelings of auras all around you. 

Love and Peace

Sara Khan 


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